Birdwatching Blue Pass

Birding in Arenal is exceptional as it is a mid point where you can encounter species from the hot and humid North – Caribbean lower lands and also from the upper cooler Cloud Forest of the mountain ranges. Different birding hot spots here register between 350 to 505 species sightings. Here we suggest a couple of the best ones.

Birdwatching Blue Pass

Birding at Arenal hanging bridges

Golden Hooded Tanager Blue Pass

The birds within the Rainforest

With 447 observed species (as of July, 2022, eBird), the Mistico Park hanging bridges and trails through the rainforest proves to be  a suitable place to start the day.

Hanging bridges, excitement assured

Birds are free, some are elusive, but the 92 m (300 ft) length and 45 m (148 ft) height, steel bridge and the other 15 shorter ones, aren’t going anywhere.


Birding by the lake


Birds of the secondary forest

Between Arenal Lake’s dam and Arenal Volcano National Park, the tree branches extend over a barely transited road. Here, low height vegetation at the edge of way offer perches and open areas to easily spot birds. You might see some of the 430 reported observed species in eBird for this location.

The way of the birds

Hiking through this short section of road is the easiest way to spot birds. You’ll see them walking in the road, catching flies by the side of the lake, searching for fruits in the branches of trees and bushes…

Cano Negro Blue Pass Amazonic King Fisher Blue pass

Birding in the lake


Where two ecosystems meet

The man-made Arenal Lake has existed for over 40 years now and wildlife has slowly began to inhabit portions of it. Here you can find some wetland birds, like jacanas, egrets, and other fishing birds like kingfishers, cormorants and anhingas.  Birds from the forest like toucans, crested guans and many more of the 300 reported species in eBird.

Birding Tours

Birding in Arenal is exceptional as it is a mid point where you can encounter species from the hot and humid North – Caribbean lower lands and also from the upper cooler Cloud Forest of the mountain ranges. Different birding hot spots here register between 350 to 505 species sightings. Here we suggest a couple of the best ones.

The unique topography and the excellent climate makes for exceptional birding all year round in La Fortuna, Costa Rica.

Any bird watching tour to Costa Rica, should include the area surrounding the Arenal Volcano. 

The foothills of the majestic stratovolcano and the surrounding areas of Lake Arenal provide an extremely diverse ecosystem.

Lake Arenal is the largest and the most important lake in Costa Rica, it was man-made in 1974 to provide hydroelectric energy for the country.

It is also an exceptional sight where you can find different kinds of resident and migratory birds.

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